PBL Schematic in a Game

  • The problem is authentic to the discipline.
  • The problem is situated in a 3D environment.
  • The problem is contextualized via a narrative to stimulate recall of prior knowledge and provide motivation.
  • Game communication must allow learners to hold group discussions about the problem to draw out misconceptions and multiple viewpoints.
  • Guidance is provided by showing worked examples at the start of the process (serves as training room).
  • Steps
    • The attention step is created by the problem/question being posed. The goal is implied by the solution expectation (winning); the goal is to make a best-fit recommendation, based on gameplay, for an ill-defined problem.
    • Tasks/Goals:
      1. Learners list problem parts.
      2. Learners list what is known.
      3. Learners restate problem.
      4. Learners rank order solutions and select one (hypothesis).
      5. Learners write action plan to test solution.
    • Investigation is offered via exploration.
    • Learners create and execute tasks (gather data).
    • Learners self-evaluate performance by determining fit of solution for problem; if solution doesn’t match, cycle back to guidance step.
    • Write report (reason and persuade) and reflect on lessons learned.

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